Saturday, April 6, 2013

Weekly Menu Plan for April 7th

Posted by Over Worked Mom Reviews at 8:04 PM 0 comments
This is my first week to blog about meal planning for my family! So here goes! If I have posted about the recipe I will link it.

Sunday - Spaghetti and garlic toast
Monday - Ziti with Sausage, Mushroom and Tomato sauce recipe and mashed potatoes
Tuesday - Meatball Subs and Green beans
Wednesday - Chicken Alfredo and steamed broccoli
Thursday - Cheesy Potato soup and garlic and cheddar biscuits
Friday - Mac n Cheese - its my 12 year old's turn to cook tonight :)
Saturday - Tacos and rice

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ultimate Blog Party 2013 - Overworked Mom Reviews

Posted by Over Worked Mom Reviews at 10:14 PM 2 comments
Hello fellow bloggers! Welcome to our blog. I am a WAHM who writes for 2 blogs and owns an online Children's Boutique website - Milo's Creations. I am married to my college sweetheart and we have 3 wild boys that keep me on my toes at all times.

Overworked Mom Reviews blog is fairly new. My purpose for this blog is to help other online small businesses by writing website and product reviews. By writing about others blogs, websites and products it creates one way links to their site. Those one way links are great for search engine ranking. The more quality websites that link to your site, the more popular your site appears to popular search engines! For a limited time we are writing FREE reviews! All we ask is for a little link love in return. Contact us for all the details!

I also throw in some quips about my everyday life as a WAHM, meal planning and recipes! Thank you for stopping by and I'd love if you drop us a comment, so I can check out your blog as well!

Weekly Menu Planning

Posted by Over Worked Mom Reviews at 7:46 PM 0 comments
As a busy work at home mom, its easy for me to get busy with working on websites and blogs, chauffeuring the kids, cleaning the house, being a domestic goddess... All of a sudden the kids are home from school and I'm struggling to throw dinner on the table while juggling snacks, homework and breaking up sibling fights. Well no more! I've decided I am going to take charge and fix this problem! I will write a weekly menu plan and post it here. My readers can keep me accountable and if I have a place to link all my recipes - I might just actually stick with this menu planning this time around!

Week 1 - April 7th

Monday, April 1, 2013

Ultimate Blog Party 2013

Posted by Over Worked Mom Reviews at 11:33 PM 0 comments
An excellent opportunity for bloggers and online business owners to meet other like minded bloggers during the 5 Minutes for Mom Ultimate Blogging party hosted April 5th-12th!

A great way to gain new readers, gain new fans and possibly gain new customers! Click on over to UBP13 for all the details!

New to blog parties? Some tips to consider:

  •  Don't just post your link on the 5 Minutes for Mom blog and run. Come back and visit as many of the blog pages as you can.

  • Leave meaningful comments, not just "nice blog" or "come buy from me". Leave comments the blogger wants to read.  A simple comment like "Found you on the UBP13" works nicely. Short and sweet and the blogger knows how you found them.

  • Wondering about that url in the comments section? Leave your blog url, not your business url. Your business url can be in your welcome UPB13 post and on your blog. They will find your site that way. No blogger likes a spammer. If they are a PR friendly blog like this one, then you might be able to leave your business url. Always read their PR policies first.
Good luck and happy blog hopping!


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